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4.5 out of 5 stars

Braun Series 7 790cc Electric Shaver

$289.99 55% off Reference Price
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Top positive review
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By Cardione1 on Reviewed in the United States on December 22, 2016
I started shaving with a blade/shave cream, later upgraded to an electric, and finally changed back to a blade. The electrics (yes plural) I've used had left me with mixed feelings. They were all noisy, didn't hold a charge very long, a few gave me razor burn, and nearly all did not last very long. So it was back to a blade..for the past 15 years. A short time ago, I finally accepted the facts that 1) I was not getting a close shave with a blade, even with a new blade inserted, 2) I was tired of the occasionally "nick" that made me look like I should head for the Emergency Room, and 3) I was somewhat angry over the rising price of blades. Thus sparked a quick review of electric shavers, and my choice of the Braun Series 7. The day I ordered this unit, I stopped shaving. Three days later the unit arrived. No, I did not read instructions. I just removed it from the box, and headed to the bathroom to shave(one look in the mirror and I realized I looked like someone on those "WANTED" posters you see in the post office)The unit was easy to turn on and I began. My beard hairs grow in various directions with the area of my neck very sensitive to shaving. On the received factory setting (you can change this), this unit was cutting these hair with little resistance. I remember having to be very careful in shaving my cheeks as I often would get a razor burn no matter what I did. With the Braun, this was non-existent. Now, with a blade, I could shave in about 3-4 minutes and with a 3 day growth of hair, add 2-3 minutes because of having to "touch-up areas" where the blade did not cut the hair. With the Braun I estimate better than 95% of these touch up areas were eliminated on the second pass of the shaver head. The unit head also adjusted to my square chin and stayed flat to my skin over other areas of my face. In short, the shaver was adjusting itself and doing all the work. When I finished shaving, my other half ran her hand over my face and said "This is the smoothest I've every felt your face". Works for me! This unit is light weight, relatively quiet (in comparison to others I've had), has three cutting "levels" easily changed, and has a nifty charger/cleaner LCD screen on the bottom which although a bit hard to read without adequate lighting, gives you quick info on charge level and cleaning. This unit comes with a cleaning station that I have not yet hooked up but will shortly. Per the instruction booklet, this unit cleans the shaving head (with an alcohol based solution) and recharges the unit at the same time. Noted is that the unit can be charged by a cord by itself. When charging the on-off button is lid. When competed charged, the light turns off. The Braun also came with a small cleaning brush and a semi-rigid carrying case. After I shaved I noted that the charge level was on the last "bar". I plugged it in and timed it: 55 minutes to full charge. This REALLY beats the recharging time of some units I had. Overall, a full charge should give 7 days + of shaving time (avg: 8 minutes per shave) Also noted is that based on average shaving, the shaving head should last about 18 months. Easier I think to simply change every 12 months. The shaver head is a "cartridge" easily removed for cleaning. The only thing I miss is a side burn trimmer although the Braun blade head does get close to doing the same. Also noted is there is no plastic shaver head "cap" to protect the blades or blade screen. Important? Right now I don't think so as the semi-rigid case will probably protect just as well. Note here that I won't leave my shaver out on the sink counter but will put it back in its case each time after use. Now for the cost. Yes, it is a bit steep compared to a blade or some of those off-brand machete based electric shavers. But is it worth it? I am sitting here 17 hours after I used the Braun and feel just a small bit of stubble beginning to emerge. PLUS, I don't feel any residual burning from the blades. Gents, I am talking about a close, comfortable, unbelievable shave! I'm giving this Braun 790cc a 5 star rating with my personal "raised eyebrows" and a hearty WOW!. Remembering that you get what you pay for, this shaver is worth the price. I am amazed at the results and yes, I VERY HIGHLY recommend this shaver. ( And as a P.S., do read the instructions. They will help)
Top critical review
5 people found this helpful
Don't believe all of the 5 star reviews for this shaver ~ Mine lasted 7 weeks, not 7 years
By Expressed Reviews on Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2013
I purchased this shaver to replace a Panasonic self-cleaning shaver that had stopped working after almost 8 years of constant use. The reason why I decided to switch to Braun, was because the cleaning system on my Panasonic had to be replaced 4 times due to leakage. After the 4th replacement started leaking, I gave up and cleaned it myself for the remaining years that it was in service.The Braun 790-CC is a nicely designed shaver and its ergonomic handle makes it a pleasure to hold while in use. I had fully expected to rate this shaver 5 stars, but after just 7 weeks of use, I'm giving it 2.5 stars instead.When working properly, I would have to say that this shaver does a good job, not a great one. After reading all of the 5 star reviews, which influenced me to purchase this shaver, I find myself dismayed, as the shaver doesn't deserve such high ratings. As mentioned above, the ergonomic handle makes it feel good while shaving. The problem is, the shaver doesn't provide a close shave unless you spend at least 10 minutes using it each time. I've tried all of the various settings, as well as running it across my face lightly, moderately and pressing down fairly hard. The optimum way to use the shaver is to run it across your face lightly, and at different angles. At times it helps to stretch out your skin and then run the shaver against it. Despite doing all of the above, in no way does this shaver come anywhere near as close as a blade does to providing the user with the optimum shave. Since I've heard so many rave reviews about how close the shave is supposed to be, I'm really disappointed in the job that it does on my face. I was preparing to go out to a formal event, and wanted to look good. After using the shaver for 15 minutes, covering every possible angle and pressure on my face, the closest I could come to a blade wasn't close at all. Running my hand across my face after using the shaver, it was evident that a blade wins by a long shot. In fairness to Braun, I would like to state that no shaver that I've used to date provides a shave that's as close to a blade. This seems strange to me, as some 40 years ago, the owner of Remington shavers claimed that their shavers "Performed as close as a blade, or your money back." I guess you can say anything in advertising, whether it's true or not.Braun, AKA P & G advertises that this shaver is, and I quote "Shaver Built To Perform ~ Perfectly smooth skin with shavers tested to last 7 years." Well perhaps they got the 7 correct, but in my case the years should have said weeks. Yes, after just 7 weeks of use, the cleaning base failed. In addition, the locking mechanism on the shaver itself no longer works. The locking mechanism is meant to be used to keep the foil/cutter in a stationary position, thus enabling you to better access the area above your lips, and the lower neck area. I really didn't find that this helped at all, so I only used it once or twice. Even so, for it to stop working after 7 weeks is unacceptable.A reputable company would make sure that the customer is pleased with their purchase. (Braun ~ P & G) is not such a company. I called them up to explain that the cleaning base had broken. I also explained that the locking mechanism on the shaver itself had failed. I asked them to send me a replacement cleaning base, and that I could live with the broken lock on the shaver itself. To my dismay, they refused to honor my request. I was told to send the base to their repair department at my own expense. I explained to them, that the shaver comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, and tried to get across the point that if they would simply send me a replacement base, it would cost them less than having to give me a full refund on my entire purchase. They still refused. Not wanting to send the shaver back, I contacted Amazon, and unbelievably, Amazon sent me an entire new shaver and base at no cost. They told me to throw out the defective unit, as it was a non returnable item. Amazon deserves kudos for their exceptional customer service. Unfortunately, this does not change my opinion on the mediocre performance of this shaver.Braun has been making this shaver since 2009 or 2010. You would think that after that period of time, they would have gotten all of the kinks out of the system. The bottom line is that this is an overrated shaver. It is prone to premature failure, doesn't come anywhere near as close as a blade, and Braun/P & G has atrocious customer service. I truly hope that a company will come out with a shaver that is really as close as a blade, and also come out with a self-cleaning system that is designed to last.The bottom line is that I use an electric shaver in order to save time. If it's going to take me 10 - 15 minutes to get a shave that's not as close as a blade, I might as well use a blade. It would seem to me that in this day and age, where virtually anything is possible, a company should be able to come out with an electric shaver that not only equals the performance of a blade, but does so in less time. They should also be able to produce a product (shaver & cleaning base) that's designed to last. In my opinion, if we can land men on the moon, and send spacecraft to distant planets, we should certainly be able to design the perfect electric shaver. I'm rating the Braun 790-CC at 2.5 stars. Had mine performed as advertised, I would have rated it 4 stars, the highest I would give to any electric shaver that I've used to date. Verdict: Shaver, when working as advertised ~ B-/C+ ~ I would not rate any electric shaver higher than this. Shaver ~ In condition that mine was in after 7 weeks ~ D Braun customer service ~ F Amazon Customer service ~ A+

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